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Miroslav Ćirić - Supervised Theses

Supervised PhD theses


Tatjana Petković, Varieties of Automata and Semigroups (Varijeteti automata i polugrupa), (in Serbian), PhD thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, 1998. [Link].
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Žarko Popović, Congruences and Decompositions of Semigroups and Automata (Kongruencije i razlaganja polugrupa i automata), (in Serbian), PhD thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2001. [Link].
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Jelena Ignjatović, Fuzzy Relations, Automata and Languages (Fazi relacije, automati i jezici), (in Serbian), PhD thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2007. [Link].
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Aleksandar Stamenković, Fuzzy Automata and Fuzzy Regular Expressions (Fazi automati i fazi regularni izrazi), (in Serbian), PhD thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2010. [Link].
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Milan Bašić, Certain Graph Theoretical Problems on Quantum Networks and Nondeterministic Automata (Neki problemi teorije grafova na kvantnim mrežama i nedeterminističkim automatima), (in Serbian), PhD thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2010. [Link].
Thesis supervisors: Miroslav Ćirić and Dragan Stevanović


Nada Damljanović, Multivalued Relations Over Lattices and Semirings: Theory and Applications (Viševrednosne relacije nad mrežama i poluprstenima: Teorija i primene), (in Serbian), PhD thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2012. [Link].
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Vesna Veličković, Visualization in Mathematics Using the Object-Oriented Software Package for Line Graphics (Vizualizacija u matematici pomoću objektno-orijentisanog programskog paketa za linijsku grafiku), (in Serbian), PhD thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2012. [Link].
Thesis supervisors: Eberhard Malkowsky and Miroslav Ćirić


Velimir Ilić, Algorithms for Computing Cross-Moments of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars and Probabilistic Graphical Models (Algoritmi za izračunavaje kros-momenata probabilističkih beskontekstnih gramatika i probabilističkih grafičkih modela), (in Serbian), PhD thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2012. [Link].
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić

Supervised MSc theses


Tatjana Petković, Semigroup Identities and Automata (Polugrupovni identiteti i automati), (in Serbian), MSc thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, 1997.
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Žarko Popović, Subdirect Decompositions of Algebras (Poddirektna razlaganja algebri), (in Serbian), MSc thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, 1998.
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Jelena Kovačević, Decompositions of Ordered Sets, Semigroups and Automata (Razlaganja uredjenih skupova, polugrupa i automata), (in Serbian), MSc thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2000.
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Milena Bogdanović, Directable Automata, Their Generalizations and Specializations (Direktabilni automati, njihova uopštenja i specijalizacije), (in Serbian), MSc thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2001.
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Nina Petković, Pseudovarieties of Algebras, Semigroups and Automata (Pseudovarijeteti algebri, polugrupa i automata), (in Serbian), MSc thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2004.
Thesis supervisors: Snežana Ilić and Miroslav Ćirić


Aleksandar Stamenković, Minimality Conditions in Semigroups and Formal Languages (Uslovi minimalnosti na polugrupama i formalnim jezicima), (in Serbian), MSc thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2004.
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić


Nada Damljanović, Idempotent semirings (Idempotentni poluprsteni), (in Serbian), MSc thesis, University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2007.
Thesis supervisor: Miroslav Ćirić