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Miroslav Ćirić - Scientific Publications

In progress (9)
[163]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, P. Stanimirović, Computation of outer inverses in the full transformaton semigroup of a finite set. (in progress)
[162]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, B. De Baets, General method for solving equations and inequalities defined by residuated functions. (in progress)
[161]  I. Stanković, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, Bisimulations for fuzzy social networks. (in progress)
[160]  I. Stanković, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Multi-mode systems of fuzzy relation inequations. Applications in positional analysis of multi-mode fuzzy networks. (in progress)
[159]  M. Ćirić, Algebraic heritage of Mihailo Petrović Alas and Serbian algebraic school (in Serbian). (in progress)
[158]  M. Ćirić, P. Stanimirović, J. Ignjatović, Outer and inner inverses in semigroups belonging to the prescribed Green's equivalence classes. (in progress)
[157]  S. Stanimirović, A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, Improved algorithms for computing the greatest right and left invariant Boolean matrices and their application, FILOMAT (submitted for publication).
[156]  A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, Weakly linear systems for matrices over the max-plus quantale, DISCRETE EVENT DYNAMIC SYSTEMS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (submitted for publication).
[155]  Y. Ke, J. Chen, P. Stanimirović, M. Ćirić, Characterizations and representations of outer inverse for matrices over a ring, LINEAR AND MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA (submitted for publication).
2018 (6)
[154]  P. S. Stanimirović, M. Ćirić, V. N. Katsikis, C. Li, H. Ma, Outer and (b,c) inverses of tensors, LINEAR AND MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA (2018), https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2018.1521783.
[153]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, I. Stanković, Direct and indirect methods for solving two-mode systems of fuzzy relation equations and inequalities, in: M. E. Cornejo et al. (eds.), Trends in Mathematics and Computational Intelligence, STUDIES IN COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE 796, Springer, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00485-9_18.
[152]  S. Stanimirović, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Determinization of fuzzy automata by factorizations of fuzzy states and right invariant fuzzy quasi-orders, INFORMATION SCIENCES 469 (2018) 79–100..
[151]  V. Ilić, M. Ćirić, M. Stanković, Cross-moments computation for stochastic context-free grammars, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 33 (1) (2018) 41–61. [ PDF ]
[150]  A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, M. Bašić, Ranks of fuzzy matrices. Applications in state reduction of fuzzy automata, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 333 (2018) 124–139. [ DOI ]
[149]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, Z. Jančić, Weighted finite automata with output, SOFT COMPUTING 22(4) (2018) 1121-1138. [ DOI ]
2017 (5)
[148]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, I. Stanković, Direct and indirect methods for solving two-mode systems of fuzzy relation equations and inequalities, 9th European Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Mathematics – ESCIM 2017, Faro (Portugal), October 4th–7th, 2017.
[147]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, The existence of generalized inverses of fuzzy matrices, in: L. Koczy, J. Kacprzyk, J. Medina (eds.), ESCIM 2016, STUDIES IN COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, Springer 2017, to appear.
[146]  P. S. Stanimirović, M. Ćirić, I. Stojanović, D. Gerontitis, Conditions for existence, representations and computation of matrix generalized inverses, COMPLEXITY Vol. 2017 (2017) Article ID 6429725, 27 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/6429725. [ DOI ]
[145]  I. Stanković, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Fuzzy relation inequalities and equations with two unknowns and their applications, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 322 (2017) 86–105. [ DOI ]
[144]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, Moore-Penrose equations in involutive residuated semigroups and involutive quantales, FILOMAT 31:2 (2017) 183–196. [ PDF ]
2016 (2)
[143]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, Automata and Formal Languages (Automati i formalni jezici), (in Serbian) University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Niš, 2016, 356 pages [ISBN 978-86-6275-056-3].
[142]  Z. Jančić, I. Micić, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, Further improvements of determinization methods for fuzzy finite automata, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 301 (2016) 79-102. [ DOI ]
2015 (5)
[141]  A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Different models of automata with fuzzy states, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 30 (3) (2015) 235–253. [ PDF ]
[140]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, I. Stanković, Bisimulations in fuzzy social network analysis, in: Proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) and 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), Gijón, Asturias, Spain, 2015, ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS RESEARCH Vol. 89, Atlantis Press, 2015, pp. 404–411. [ PDF ]
[139]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, I. Stanković, Regular fuzzy equivalences on multi-mode multi-relational fuzzy networks, in: Proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) and 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), Gijón, Asturias, Spain, 2015, ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS RESEARCH Vol. 89, Atlantis Press, 2015, pp. 398–403. [ PDF ]
[138]  I. Micić, Z. Jančić, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, Determinization of fuzzy automata by means of the degrees of language inclusion, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS 23 (6) (2015) 2144–2153. [ DOI ]
[137]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, B. Šešelja, A. Tapavčević, Fuzzy relation inequalities and equations, fuzzy quasi-orders, and closures and openings of fuzzy sets, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 260 (2015) 1-24. [ DOI ]
2014 (4)
[136]  Z. Jančić, M. Ćirić, Brzozowski type determinization for fuzzy automata, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 249 (2014) 73–82. [ DOI ]
[135]  A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Reduction of fuzzy automata by means of fuzzy quasi-orders, INFORMATION SCIENCES 275 (2014) 168–198. [ DOI ]
[134]  N. Damljanović, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Bisimulations for weighted automata over an additively idempotent semiring, THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 534 (2014) 86–100. [ DOI ]
[133]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, M. Bašić, I. Jančić, Nondeterministic automata: equivalence, bisimulations, and uniform relations, INFORMATION SCIENCES 261 (2014) 185–218.[ DOI ]
2013 (2)
[132]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Fuzziness in Automata Theory: Why? How?, in: R. Seising, E. Trillas, C. Moraga, S. Termini (eds.), ON FUZZINESS, A Homage to Lotfi A. Zadeh, STUDIES IN FUZZINESS AND SOFT COMPUTING Vol. 298, Berlin – New York, Springer 2013, pp. 109–116.
[131]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, V. Simović, Fuzzy relation equations and subsystems of fuzzy transition systems, KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS 38 (2013) 48–61. [ DOI ]
2012 (5)
[130]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, I. Jančić, N. Damljanović, Computation of the greatest simulations and bisimulations between fuzzy automata, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 208 (2012) 22–42. [ DOI ]

A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, Construction of fuzzy automata from fuzzy regular expressions, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 199 (2012) 1-27. [ DOI ]

[128]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, N. Damljanović, I. Jančić, Weakly linear systems of fuzzy relation inequalities: The heterogeneous case, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 199 (2012) 64-91. [ DOI ]
[127]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, N. Damljanović, M. Bašić, Bisimulations for fuzzy automata, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 186 (2012) 100-139 [ DOI ]
[126]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, Weakly linear systems of fuzzy relation inequalities and their applications: A brief survey, FILOMAT 26(2) (2012), 207-241. [ PDF ]
2011 (5)
[125]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Ž. Popović, Semilattice Decompositions of Semigroups, University of Niš, Faculty of Economics, 2011 IV + 321 p. [ISBN 978-86-6139-032-6].
[124]  S. Bogdanović, Ž. Popović, M. Ćirić, Semilattices of Archimedean semigroups, in: W. Hemakul, S. Wahyuni, P. W. Sy (eds.) ADVANCES IN ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES, Proceedings of International Conference on Algebra - ICA 2010, Gadjah Mada University, Yogijakarta, Indonesia, World Scientific, 2011, 43-52.
[123]  I. Stanković, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, Boolean relation equations in data analysis, in: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND INFORMATICS (SISY 2011), Subotica, Serbia, 2011, pp. 125-130.
[122]  N. Damljanović, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Congruence openings of additive Green’s relations on a semiring, SEMIGROUP FORUM 82 (2011) 437-454. [ DOI ]
[121]  Z. Jančić, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, An improved algorithm for determinization of weighted and fuzzy automata, INFORMATION SCIENCES 181 (2011) 1358–1368. [ DOI ]
2010 (10)
[120]  S. Bogdanović, Ž. Popović, M. Ćirić, Band decompositions of semigroups (A survey), MATHEMATICA MACEDONICA 8 (2010),  21-45.
[119]  S. Bogdanović, Ž. Popović, M. Ćirić, On Lallement's lemma, NOVI SAD JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 40:3 (2010) 3-9. [ PDF ]
[118]  S. Bogdanović, Ž. Popović, M. Ćirić, Bands of lambda-simple semigroups, FILOMAT 24:4 (2010) 77-85. [ PDF ]
[117]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, On the greatest solutions to weakly linear systems of fuzzy relation inequalities and equations, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 161 (2010) 3081-3113. [ DOI ]
[116]  M. Ćirić, M. Droste, J. Ignjatović, H. Vogler, Determinization of weighted finite automata over strong bimonoids, INFORMATION SCIENCES 180 (2010) 3497-3520. [ DOI ]
[115]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Fuzzy social network analysis, GODIŠNJAK UČITELJSKOG FAKULTETA U VRANJU, 1 (2010) 179-190. [ PDF ]
[114]  M. Ćirić, A. Stamenković, J. Ignjatović, T. Petković, Fuzzy relation equations and reduction of fuzzy automata, JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES 76 (2010), 609-633. [ DOI ]
[113]  S. Bogdanović, Ž. Popović, M. Ćirić, Bands of k-Archimedean semigroups, SEMIGROUP FORUM 80 (2010) 426–439. [ DOI ]
[112]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, T. Petković, Myhill-Nerode type theory for fuzzy languages and automata, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 161 (2010) 1288-1324. [ DOI ]
[111]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, Formal power series and regular operations on fuzzy languages, INFORMATION SCIENCES 180 (2010) 1104–1120. [ DOI ]
2009 (6)
[110]  S. V. Vukašinović, P. S. Stanimirović, M. D. Petković, M. D. Ćirić, Turing machine and its symbolic simulation, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 24 (2009) 53–72. [ PDF ]
[109]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, Ž. Popović, Stojan M. Bogdanović – scientist, teacher, and poet, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 24 (2009) 1-13. [ PDF ]
[108]  I. Stanimirović, M. Petković, P. Stanimirović, M. Ćirić, Heuristic algorithm for single resource constrained project scheduling problem based on the dynamic programming, YUGOSLAV JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH 19 (2009), 281-298. [ PDF ]
[107]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Ž. Popović, Power semigroups that are 0-Archimedean, MATHEMATICA MORAVICA 13:1 (2009) 25-28.
[106]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Fuzzy homomorphisms of algebras, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 160 (2009), 2345–2365. [ DOI ]
[105]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, S. Bogdanović, Uniform fuzzy relations and fuzzy functions, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 160 (2009) 1054–1081. [ DOI ]
2008 (2)
[104]  M. Ćirić, Ž. Popović, S. Bogdanović, Effective subdirect decompositions of regular semigroups, SEMIGROUP FORUM 77 (2008) 500–519. [ DOI ]
[103]  J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Determinization of fuzzy automata with membership values in complete residuated lattices, INFORMATION SCIENCES 178 (2008), 164–180. [ DOI ]
2007 (3)
[102]  M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, S. Bogdanović, Fuzzy equivalence relations and their equivalence classes, FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS 158 (2007), 1295-1313. [ DOI ]
[101]  M. Ćirić, A. Stamenković, J. Ignjatović, T. Petković, Factorization of fuzzy automata, in: E. Csuhaj-Varjú and Z. Ésik (Eds.): FCT 2007, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 4639 (2007), 213–225. [ DOI ]
[100]  M. Ćirić, T. Petković, S. Bogdanović, A note on subdirect products of unary algebras, CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 57 (132) (2007), 573-578. [ DOI ]
2006 (2)
[99]  T. Petković, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, On correspondences between unary algebras, automata, semigroups and congruences, ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM 13 (3) (2006), 495-506. [ WSN ]
[98]  P. Stanimirović, S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Adjoint mappings and inverses of matrices, ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM 13 (3) (2006), 421-432. [ WSN ]
2005 (1)
[97]  M. Ćirić, S. Rančić, Parsing in different languages, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SER. ELEC. ENERG. 18 (2) (2005), 299-307. [ PDF ]
2004 (5)
[96]  Ž. Popović, S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, A note on semilattice decompositions of completely pi-regular semigroups, NOVI SAD JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 34 (2004), No. 2, 167-174. [ PDF ]
[95]  M. Bogdanović, S. Bogdanović, T. Petković, M. Ćirić, Necks of automata, NOVI SAD JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 34 (2004), No. 2, 5-15. [ PDF ]
[94]  T. Petković, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Minimal forbidden subwords, INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS 92 (2004), 211-218. [ DOI ]
[93]  T. Petković, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Unary algebras, semigroups and congruences on free semigroups, THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 324 (2004), 87-105. [ DOI ]
[92]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, P. Stanimirović, T. Petković, Linear equations and regularity conditions on semigroups, SEMIGROUP FORUM 69 (2004), 63-74. [ DOI ]
2003 (7)
[91]  T. Petković, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Words and forbidden subwords, TUCS GENERAL PUBLICATION 27 (2003), 125-134. [ PDF ]
[90]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, M. Mitrovic, Semigroups satisfying certain regularity conditions, in: ADVANCES IN ALGEBRA, Proceedings of the ICM Satellite Conference in Algebra and Related Topics in Hong Kong, 2002, (K. P. Shum, Z. X. Wan and J-P. Zhang, eds.), World Scientific, 2003, pp. 46-59. [ WSB ]
[89]  Ž. Popović, S. Bogdanović, T. Petković, M. Ćirić, Generalized directable automata, in: WORDS, LANGUAGES AND COMBINATORICS, III, Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium in Kyoto, Japan, (M. Ito and T. Imaoka, eds.), World Scientific, 2003, pp. 378-395. [ WSB ]
[88]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, B. Imreh, T. Petković, M. Steinby, On local properties of unary algebras, ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM 10 (4) (2003), 461-478. [ PDF ]
[87]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, M. Mitrović, Semilattices of nil-extensions of simple regular semigroups, ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM 10 (1) (2003), 81-90. [ DOI ]
[86]  T. Petković, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Characteristic semigroups of directable automata, in: M. Ito (ed.) et al., Developments in language theory, DLT 2002, Kyoto, Japan, 2002, LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2450 (2003), 417-427. [ DOI ]
[85]  M. Ćirić, LATEX Tools for Web Publishing, Screen Presentations and Electronic Examinations, in: PROCEEDINGS OF WORKSHOPS ON COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, 2003, pp. 161-168. [ PDF ]
2002 (2)
[84]  Ž. Popović, S. Bogdanović, T. Petković, M. Ćirić, Trapped automata, PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE DEBRECEN 60 (3-4) (2002), 661-677. [ PDF ]
[83]  J. Kovačević, M. Ćirić, T. Petković, S. Bogdanović, Decompositions of automata and reversible states, PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE DEBRECEN 60 (3-4) (2002), 587-602. [ PDF ]
2001 (5)
[82]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, A. Stamenković, Primitive idempotents in semigroups, MATHEMATICA MORAVICA 5 (2001), 7-18. [ PDF ]
[81]  M. Ćirić, T. Petković, S. Bogdanović, M. Bogdanović, Remarks on power automata, FILOMAT (NIŠ) 15 (2001), 99-109. [ PDF ]
[80]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, N. Stevanović, Semigroups in which any proper ideal is semilattice indecomposable, in: A TRIBUTE TO S. B. PREŠIĆ. Papers celebrating his 65th birthday, Beograd: Matematički Institut SANU, 2001, pp. 94-98. [ PDF ]
[79]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Quasi-semilattice decompositions of semigroups with zero, ALGEBRAS, GROUPS AND GEOMETRIES 18 (1) (2001), 27-34. [ PDF ]
[78]  M. Ćirić , S. Bogdanović and T. Petković, Sums and limits of generalized direct families of algebras, SOUTHEAST ASIAN BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICS 25 (2001), 47-60. [ DOI ]
2000 (5)
[77]  M. Ćirić, T. Petković, S. Bogdanović, Jezici i automati (Languages and Automata), Prosveta, Niš, 2000 IV + 379 p. [ISBN 86-7455-457-1]   [ PDF ]
[76]  M. Mitrović, S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Locally uniformly pi-regular semigroups, in: SEMIGROUPS, Proceedings of the International Conference in Braga, Portugal, 1999 (P. Smith, E. Giraldes and P. Martins, eds.), World Scientific, 2000, pp. 106-113. [ WSB ]
[75]  M. Ćirić, T. Petković, S. Bogdanović, Semigroups satisfying some variable identities, in: SEMIGROUPS, Proceedings of the International Conference in Braga, Portugal, 1999 (P. Smith, E. Giraldes and P. Martins, eds.), World Scientific, 2000, pp. 44-53. [ WSB ]
[74]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, A five-element Brandt semigroup as a forbidden divisor, SEMIGROUP FORUM 61 (2000), 363-372. [ DOI ]
[73]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Ž. Popović, Semilattice decompositions of semigroups revisited, SEMIGROUP FORUM 61 (2000), 263-276. [ DOI ]
1999 (9)
[72]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Remarks on Gamma semigroups and their generalizations, PURE MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS 10 (1) (1999), 17-22. [ PDF ]
[71]  M. Ćirić, B. Imreh, M. Steinby, Subdirectly irreducible definite, reverse-definite and generalized definite automata, PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, University of Belgrade, Series Mathematics 10 (1999), 69-79. [ PDF ]
[70]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Ž. Popović, On nil-extensions of rectangular groups, ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM 6 (2) (1999), 205–213. [ PDF ]
[69]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Lattices of subautomata and direct sum decompositions of automata, ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM 6 (1) (1999), 71-88. [ PDF ]
[68]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Radicals of Green's relations, CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 49 (124) (1999), 683–688. [ DOI ]
[67]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, T. Petković, B. Imreh, M. Steinby, Traps, cores, extensions and subdirect decompositions of unary algebras, FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE 38 (1-2) (1999), 51-60. [ PDF ]
[66]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, The lattice of semilattice-matrix decompositions of semigroups, ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 29 (4) (1999), 1225-1235. [ DOI | Euclid ]
[65]  S. Bogdanović, B. Imreh, M. Ćirić, T. Petković, Directable automata and their generalizations – A survey, in: S. Crvenkovic and I. Dolinka (eds.), PROC. VIII INT. CONF. "ALGEBRA AND LOGIC" (Novi Sad, 1998), Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 29 (2) (1999), 31-74. [ PDF ]
[64]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, T. Petković, Uniformly pi-regular rings and semigroups: A survey, in: FOUR TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS, ZBORNIK RADOVA 9 (17), Matematicki Institut SANU, Beograd, 1999, 5-82. [ PDF ]
1998 (6)
[63]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, The lattice of varieties of bands, in: SEMIGROUPS AND APPLICATIONS, Proceedings of the Conference in St. Andrews, 1997 (J. M. Howie and N. Ruskuc, eds.), World Scientific, 1998, pp. 47-61. [ WSB ]
[62]  T. Petković, M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Decompositions of automata and transition semigroups, ACTA CYBERNETICA (SZEGED) 13 (1998), 385-403. [ PDF ]
[61]  M. Ćirić , S. Bogdanović, J. Kovačević, Direct sum decompositions of quasi-ordered sets and their applications, FILOMAT (NIŠ) 12:1 (1998), 65-82. [ PDF ]
[60]  S. Bogdanovic, M. Ćirić, B. Novikov, Bands of left Archimedean semigroups, PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE DEBRECEN 52 (1-2) (1998), 85-101. [ PDF ]
[58]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, T. Petković, The lattice of subautomata of an automaton - A survey, PUBLICATIONS DE L'INSTITUT MATHÉMATIQUE (BEOGRAD) 64 (78) (1998), 165-182. [ PDF ]
[58]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Quasi-orders and semilattice decompositions of semigroups, (A survey), in: SEMIGROUPS, Proceedings of the International Conference in Semigroups and its Related Topics, Kunming, China, 1995, (K. P. Shum, Y. Guo, M. Ito and Y. Fong, eds.) Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp. 27-56. [ PDF ]
1997 (5)
[57]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, More on normal band compositions of semigroups, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 12 (1997) 15-21. [ PDF ]
[56]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Generation of positive lower-potent half-congruences, SOUTHEAST ASIAN BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICS 21 (1997), 227-231. [ PDF ]
[55]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Semilattices of left completely Archimedean semigroups, MATHEMATICA MORAVICA 1 (1997), 11-16. [ PDF ]
[54]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, A note on congruences on algebras, in: PROC. OF II MATH. CONF. IN PRISTINA 1996, Lj. D. Kocinac ed., Pristina, 1997, pp. 67-72. [ PDF ]
[53]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, The lattice of positive quasi-orders on a semigroup, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 98 (1997), 157-166. [ DOI ]
1996 (13)
[52]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, A note on radicals of Green's relations, PURE MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS 7 (3-4) (1996), no. 3-4, 215-219. [ PDF ]
[51]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Power semigroups that are Archimedean II, FILOMAT (NIŠ) 10 (1996), 87-92. [ PDF ]
[50]  M. Ćirić , S. Bogdanović, T. Petković, The lattice of positive quasi-orders on an automaton, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 11 (1996), 143-156. [ PDF ]
[49]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Direct sums of nil-rings and of rings with Clifford's multiplicative semigroups, MATHEMATICA BALKANICA (N.S.) 10 (1996), 65-71. [ PDF ]
[48]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Ordinal decompositions of semigroups, PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, University of Belgrade, Series Mathematics 7 (1996), 30-33. [ PDF ]
[47]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Posets of C-congruences, ALGEBRA UNIVERSALIS 36 (1996), 423-424. [ DOI ]
[46]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, 0-Archimedean semigroups, INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 27 (5) (1996), 463-468. [ PDF ]
[45]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, A note on left regular semigroups, PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE DEBRECEN 48 (3-4) (1996), 285-291. [ PDF ]
[44]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Strong bands of groups of left quotients, GLASGOW MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 38 (1996), 237-242. [ DOI ]
[43]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Subdirect products of a band and a semigroup, PORTUGALIAE MATHEMATICA 53 (1) (1996), 117-128. [ DOI ]
[42]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Identities over the twoelement alphabet, SEMIGROUP FORUM 52 (1996), 365-379. [ DOI ]
[41]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Semilattice decompositions of semigroups, SEMIGROUP FORUM 52 (1996), 119-132. [ DOI ]
[40]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Orthogonal sums of 0-sigma-simple semigroups, ACTA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA 70 (3) (1996), 199-205. [ DOI ]
1995 (10)
[39]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, T. Petković, Rings satisfying some semigroup identities, ACTA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM (SZEGED) 61 (1995), 123-137. [ PDF ]
[38]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Decompostitons of semigroups with zero, PUBLICATIONS DE L'INSTITUT MATHÉMATIQUE (BEOGRAD) 57 (71) (1995), 111-123. [ PDF ]
[37]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, M. Mitrović, Semilattices of hereditary Archimedean semigroups, in: ALGEBRA, LOGIC AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (NIŠ, 1995), FILOMAT (NIŠ) 9:3 (1995), 611-617. [ PDF ]
[36]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Semilattices of weakly left Archimedean semigroups, in: ALGEBRA, LOGIC AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (NIŠ, 1995), FILOMAT (NIŠ) 9:3 (1995), 603-610. [ PDF ]
[35]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Power semigroups that are Archimedean, FILOMAT (NIŠ) 9:1 (1995), 57-62. [ PDF ]
[34]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Positive quasi-orders with the common multiple property on a semigroup, in: PROC. OF THE MATH. CONF. IN PRISTINA 1994, Lj. D. Kocinac ed., Pristina 1995, 1-6. [ PDF ]
[33]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Orthogonal sums of semigroups, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 90 (1995), 423-428. [ DOI ]
[32]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Semilattices of nil-extensions of rectangular groups, PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE DEBRECEN 47 (3-4) (1995), 229-235. [ PDF ]
[31]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Theory of greatest decompositions of semigroups, (A survey), in: ALGEBRA, LOGIC AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (NIŠ, 1995), FILOMAT (NIŠ) 9:3 (1995), 385-426. [ PDF ]
[30]  M. Ćirić, Semigroups and Identities: A survey, Report on the Research Project 0401B, Mathematical Institute SANU, Beograd, 1995 (in Serbian). [ PDF ]
1994 (4)
[29]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, The lattice of positive quasi-orders on a semigroup II, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 9 (1994), 7-17. [ PDF ]
[28]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Chains of Archimedean semigroups (Semiprimary semigroups), INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 25 (3) (1994), 331-336. [ PDF ]
[27]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Nil-extensions of unions of groups induced by identities, SEMIGROUP FORUM 48 (1994), 303-311. [ DOI ]
[26]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, A new approach to some greatest decompositions of semigroups, (A survey), SOUTHEAST ASIAN BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICS 18 (3) (1994), 27-42. [ PDF ]
1993 (6)
[25]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Polugrupe [Semigroups], Prosveta, Niš, 1993, IV + 287 p. [ISBN 86-7455-120-3/hbk]. [ PDF ]
[24]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Retractive nil-extensions of bands of groups, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 8 (1993), 11-20. [ PDF ]
[23]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Decompositions of semigroups induced by identities, SEMIGROUP FORUM 46 (1993), 329-346. [ DOI ]
[22]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Spined products of some semigroups, PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY, SERIES A, MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 69 (9) (1993), 357-362. [ DOI | Euclid ]
[21]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Normal band compositions of semigroups, PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 69 (7) (1993), 256-261. [ DOI | Euclid ]
[20]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Semilattices of Archimedean semigroups and (completely) pi-regular semigroups, I (A survey), FILOMAT (NIŠ) 7 (1993), 1-40. [ PDF ]
1992 (8)
[19]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Semigroups of Galbiati-Veronesi IV (Bands of nil-extensions of groups), FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 7 (1992), 23-35. [ PDF ]
[18]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, A note on pi-regular rings, PURE MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS, Series A 3 (1-2) (1992), 39-42. [ PDF ]
[17]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Primitive pi-regular semigroups, PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 68 (10) (1992), 334-337. [ DOI | Euclid ]
[16]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Retractive nil-extensions of regular semigroups II, PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 68 (6)(1992), 126-130. [ DOI | Euclid ]
[15]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Retractive nil-extensions of regular semigroups I, PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY, Series A, Mathematical Sciences 68 (5) (1992), 115-117. [ DOI | Euclid ]
[14]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Right pi-inverse semigroups and rings, ZBORNIK RADOVA FILOZOFSKOG FAKULTETA U NIŠU, SERIJA MATEMATIKA 6 (1992), 137-140. [ PDF ]
[13]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Semigroups in which the radical of every ideal is a subsemigroup, ZBORNIK RADOVA FILOZOFSKOG FAKULTETA U NIŠU, SERIJA MATEMATIKA 6 (1992), 129-135. [ PDF ]
[12]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Inflations of a band of monoids, ZBORNIK RADOVA FILOZOFSKOG FAKULTETA U NIŠU, SERIJA MATEMATIKA 6 (1992), 141-149. [ PDF ]
1991 (2)
[11]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Tight semigroups, PUBLICATIONS DE L'INSTITUT MATHÉMATIQUE (BEOGRAD) 50 (64), (1991), 71-84. [ PDF ]
[10]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, A nil-extension of a regular semigroup, GLASNIK MATEMATIČKI, 25 (2) (1991), 3-23. [ PDF ]
1990 (4)
[9]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Band compositions determined by systems of monomorphisms, EKONOMSKE TEME 1 (1990), 75-82. [ PDF ]
[8]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Sturdy bands of semigroups, COLLECTANEA MATHEMATICA (BARCELONA) 41 (2) (1990), 189-195. [ PDF ]
[7]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Un+1-semigroups, CONTRIBUTIONS MANU XI 1-2 (1990), 9-23. [ PDF ]
[6]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Rings whose multiplicative semigroups are nil-extensions of a union of groups, PURE MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS, Series A 1 (3-4) (1990), 217-234. [ PDF ]
1989 (4)
[5]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Bands of monoids, MATEMATIČKI BILTEN, Kniga 9-10 (XXXV-XXXVI) 1985-1986, Skopje 1989, 57-61. [ PDF ]
[4]  S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić, Semigroups of Galbiati-Veronesi III (Semilattices of nil-extensions of left and right groups), FACTA UNIVERSITATIS (NIŠ), SERIES MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS 4 (1989), 1-14. [ PDF ]
[3]  M. Ćirić, S. Bogdanović, Redei's bands of periodic pi-groups, ZBORNIK RADOVA FILOZOFSKOG FAKULTETA U NIŠU, SERIJA MATEMATIKA 3 (1989), 31-42. [ PDF ]
[2]  M. Ćirić, Extensions of Rings, Seminar Paper, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 1989, 23 p. (in Serbian). [ PDF ]
1987 (1)
[1]  M. Ćirić, C-(m,n)-ideal semigroups, in: PROCEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE "ALGEBRA AND LOGIC", Cetinje 1986, Institute of Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, 1987, pp. 23-32. [ PDF ]