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Miroslav Ćirić - Books


S. M. Bogdanović, M. D. Ćirić, and Ž. Lj. Popović
Semilattice Decompositions of Semigroups
University of Niš, Faculty of Economics, 2011, iv + 321 p.
[ISBN 978-86-6139-032-6]   [ PDF ]

M. Ćirić, T. Petković, and S. Bogdanović
Languages and Automata (Jezici i automati), (in Serbian)
Prosveta, Niš, 2000, iv + 379 p.
[ISBN 86-7455-457-1]   [ PDF ]

S. Bogdanović and M. Ćirić
Semigroups (Polugrupe), (in Serbian)
Prosveta, Niš, 1993, iv + 287 p.
[ISBN 86-7455-120-3/hbk]   [ PDF ]

B. M. Schein [Semigroup Forum 55 (1998), 297-299 | PDF ]
Ž. Perović [Publ. Fac. Elect. Eng., Univ. Belgrade, Ser. Math. 5 (1994), 63-64; | PDF ]
T. Petković and Ž. Popović [Facta Univ. (Niš), Ser. Math. Inf. 10 (1995), 167-169; | PDF ]
B. Zelinka [Zentralblatt MATH 793.20057; | PDF ]

Text Books

M. Ćirić and J. Ignjatović
Theory of Algorithms, Automata and Languages – Book of Problems (Teorija algoritama, automata i jezika – Zbirka zadataka), (in Serbian)
University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Niš, 2012, viii + 183 p.
[ISBN 978-86-83481-87-3]   [ PDF ]

D. Stevanović, M. Ćirić, S. Simić, and V. Baltić
Discrete Mathematics – Fundamentals of Combinatorics and Graph Theory
(Diskretna matematika – Osnove kombinatorike i teorije grafova), (in Serbian)
Mathematical Society of Serbia, Beograd, 2007.

M. Tasić and M. Ćirić
Fundamentals of Informatics (Osnove informatike), (in Serbian)
University of Niš, Faculty of Technology, Leskovac, 2005, vi + 167 p.
[ISBN 86-82367-61-0]

Edited Books

S. Bogdanović, M. Ćirić and Ž. Perović (editors)
Algebra, Logic and Discrete Mathematics
Papers from the conference held at the University of Niš, Niš, April 14 -16, 1995
special issue of Filomat (Niš) 9:3 (1995), vi + 581 pp.